Children’s Therapy Group
Providing one-on-one children's therapy solutions to Metro-Atlanta families
Pediatric therapy services based in Lawrenceville, Georgia
Children’s Therapy Group, Inc. is a therapist owned and operated company providing pediatric therapy services in a variety of settings to meet the needs of the children and families that we serve. Our therapists are available to provide one-on-one therapy with your child through the state early intervention program, at their daycare or preschool, or in your own home.
Services are also provided in our Lawrenceville clinic location. It is our goal at Children's Therapy Group, Inc. to provide the highest quality services through direct interaction with you and your child in any setting. It is our belief that therapy should address the child's entire environment regardless of where they are receiving services.
We all play a role in the development of a child and the success of therapy in their life. We provide support and education to families from the time of diagnosis throughout treatment and beyond. We want to be a positive part of your child’s development and help support future success in their life.
Speech to Me Program
Our goal in the Speech to Me Program is to provide intensive 1-on-1 therapy to remediate speech sound errors that your child may be struggling with quickly and effectively with an individualized approach developed just for your child.
Make an Appointment with our Therapists
We provide both pediatric speech & occupational therapy services
Speech Therapy
At Children’s Therapy Group, we provide individual evaluation and treatment in the following areas:
early intervention for language delays
articulation or phonological issues
language processing issues
oral motor treatment
feeding therapy
alternative augmentative communication
hearing impairment
sensory issues
cognitive deficits
Occupational Therapy
At Children’s Therapy Group, we provide individual evaluation and treatment in the following areas:
fine motor issues
activities of daily living issues
feeding therapy
sensory processing disorder issues
attention deficit issues

Our therapists never stop training.
Children’s Therapy Group, Inc. is a proud member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), which means we are committed to ongoing certifications and learning.
Our staff is dedicated to your child's future
Parent Testimonials
“We have had the privilege of knowing and working with Brook Todd for 7 years now. Our daughter Rachel was born five weeks early and has a history of medical and developmental issues. When Rachel first started seeing Brook at age two, she was essentially non-verbal. Brook worked with us to help Rachel learn sign language so she could communicate with us and with her teachers. Our goal was for Rachel to be able to express her wants and needs independently, whether that be with spoken language or with sign language. Over the next few years, Brook helped give Rachel the tools to become a very verbal child who could express her wants and needs. Although Rachel is not on grade level with her peers, she is easily understood and is able to function in a variety of social settings. While we continue to struggle with Rachel's medical and developmental issues, we are sure that Rachel would not be where she is today without Brook's superb speech therapy services.”
Chris & Beth
Suwanee, GA
“Though it’s so hard for my daughter to sit and listen and finishing the activity, Ms. Brook was an amazing therapist who made my daughter sit and do her work. I really recommend Children’s Therapy Group for everyone.”
Lawrenceville, GA
“Having services through Brook Todd has was the best thing we ever did. Within a month of speech therapy, Martin at the age of 4 years old who used to mumble words, came up audible words we understood. As we screamed with joy, so did he. A mere mention of Ms. Todd's name gave him a smile, and he looked forward to going to school just to attend sessions with her. She is jewel. Although Martin is not at his age level in speech, a door was opened for him, and we know he will continue to prosper and articulate words in time.”
Lawrenceville, GA
“We having been working with Brook Todd for over five years and it has been a wonderful experience. Our son, Tyler, has cerebral palsy and aphasia, and he began seeing Brook when he was 18 months old and non-verbal. We started with learning sign language to reduce his frustration over communication. Tyler is now speaking, and we have worked through all of the articulation errors. We are now working on language components such as categories. Now at seven years old, Tyler is doing better than his doctors anticipated. His neurologist says that he looks awesome, and the pediatrician says that he's her miracle baby. They said that a major part of his success comes from how hard he's worked in therapy. We believe that Brook has played a large role in this. She is always well prepared for therapy sessions. She uses creative strategies such as games and activities to keep the kids engaged while still working on specific speech tasks. She also engages the parents during therapy sessions so that we can follow through on the concepts at home.”
Suwanee, GA
“Our daughter was born prematurely due to IUGR and was severely underweight. She went to two nutritionists, has been followed by a Pediatric Gastrointestinal Specialist, completed therapy with a Behavior Therapist and two different Speech Therapists before Clare Lashley, of Children's Therapy Group, started working with her. Clare immediately noticed that our daughter's mouth muscles were weak and underdeveloped (something that none of the other specialists ever recognized). Clare works with our daughter twice a week, starting the session with basic stretching and exercises to strengthen our daughter's mouth muscles. Our daughter is now eating much better and has put weight on. Our Gastrointestinal Specialist has told us "to keep doing whatever we're doing" since our daughter has finally put on some weight. We cannot thank Clare enough for the difference she's made in our daughter's life.”
Suwanee, GA
Additional Resources from Children's Therapy Group
Therapy Resources
We have collected some great in-home therapy resources for speech that supplement our own one-on-one therapy.
We’ve put together a list of questions and answers concerning therapy procedures, insurance information, and more.
We Are Hiring Part-Time Therapists Now
Children’s Therapy Group, is looking for great part-time Speech-Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists to join our group! We provide a variety of settings and flexible scheduling that works for you. We would love to have you as a part of the great group of therapists that make our company the best that it can be every day!
Call or email Brook Todd for more information at 678-858-4777 or